You are here:Home > SERVICES CENTRE > AUTOMOTIVE LUBRICANTSII. How to take care of vehicles in winter?
Published:2014-11-26 17:34:33Sources:This siteViews:4179
1. Engine oil
In winter, there is demanding requirements for thelubrication of motors. If any engine oil in summer is used, replacement must bemade. You must also change the engine oil if it is used too long, has blackishcolor or poorer adhesion so as to ensure successful startup of engines.
2.Antifreeze fluid
There must be appropriate amount of antifreeze fluid.You must note the freezing points and models of antifreeze fluid in differentareas and for different car models. Antifreeze fluid after used more than twoyears should be replaced. Mixed antifreeze fluid must be changed within a year. Note that different brands and models of productsmay not be mixed.
3. Batteries
No electrolytic fluid in batteries may become short.It is advisable to submerge polar plates by 10mm, and check the weight of electrolytic fluid. Maintaincharging quantity. If the batteries become low, they will be very easy to bebroken in cold winter.
Note whether braking fluid is adequate in quantity, and whether quality becomes poorer. When it isnecessary, it is required to add or replace it. Note whether braking becomesweaker or biased. It is required to control pedal strength of braking platesand dead positions of wheels during braking. When necessary, it is required toclear pipelines of the entire braking system.
5. Four-wheelpositioning
In winter, ice and snow will easily appear on roads.Moreover, substances such as rubber, metals and plastics, etc will becomeharder under low temperatures. The manipulating system will change heavieraccordingly. The driving feel will become weaker, so incorrect four-wheelpositioning will affect safety very easily
6.Checking tires
In winter, rubber becomes harder and crisper, whichwill not only reduce the friction system but also make vehicles leak air orbreak tires more than other seasons. In winter, it is required to constantly clear sandwiches and foreign objectsin tires. Try not to use tires after mended for more than once. It is alsonecessary to change the tires with much wear and tires of different brands withdifferent patterns.
7.Warm ai
Check warm air pipelines and fans. Special attentionshould be paid to whether the air at the defrosting outlet under the windshieldglass is normal, and whether hot airis enough. Any trouble with the windshield defrosting outlet will bring muchtrouble and unsafe factors to driving in winter.
8.Glass cleaning liquid
Glass cleaning in winter will apparently be less thanthat in other seasons, butit may not be neglected. Some people use clean water and clean detergent waterin seasons where there is more quantity in use, but in winter such substituteswill be often frozen, so they may not be used in winter. Be sure to change antifreezeglass cleaning fluid. You can also add alcohol or spirit to clean water toreduce the freezing point.
When winter comes, the weather becomes very cold.Wiping and cleaning vehicles will become less, so it is a very good idea toapply wax to take care of vehicle paint. In addition, the waxed car body will not have waterso easily, so it is not so easy to have dew or ice on cars in winter.
In winter, there is demanding requirements for thelubrication of motors. If any engine oil in summer is used, replacement must bemade. You must also change the engine oil if it is used too long, has blackishcolor or poorer adhesion so as to ensure successful startup of engines.
2.Antifreeze fluid
There must be appropriate amount of antifreeze fluid.You must note the freezing points and models of antifreeze fluid in differentareas and for different car models. Antifreeze fluid after used more than twoyears should be replaced. Mixed antifreeze fluid must be changed within a year. Note that different brands and models of productsmay not be mixed.
3. Batteries
No electrolytic fluid in batteries may become short.It is advisable to submerge polar plates by 10mm, and check the weight of electrolytic fluid. Maintaincharging quantity. If the batteries become low, they will be very easy to bebroken in cold winter.
Note whether braking fluid is adequate in quantity, and whether quality becomes poorer. When it isnecessary, it is required to add or replace it. Note whether braking becomesweaker or biased. It is required to control pedal strength of braking platesand dead positions of wheels during braking. When necessary, it is required toclear pipelines of the entire braking system.
5. Four-wheelpositioning
In winter, ice and snow will easily appear on roads.Moreover, substances such as rubber, metals and plastics, etc will becomeharder under low temperatures. The manipulating system will change heavieraccordingly. The driving feel will become weaker, so incorrect four-wheelpositioning will affect safety very easily
6.Checking tires
In winter, rubber becomes harder and crisper, whichwill not only reduce the friction system but also make vehicles leak air orbreak tires more than other seasons. In winter, it is required to constantly clear sandwiches and foreign objectsin tires. Try not to use tires after mended for more than once. It is alsonecessary to change the tires with much wear and tires of different brands withdifferent patterns.
7.Warm ai
Check warm air pipelines and fans. Special attentionshould be paid to whether the air at the defrosting outlet under the windshieldglass is normal, and whether hot airis enough. Any trouble with the windshield defrosting outlet will bring muchtrouble and unsafe factors to driving in winter.
8.Glass cleaning liquid
Glass cleaning in winter will apparently be less thanthat in other seasons, butit may not be neglected. Some people use clean water and clean detergent waterin seasons where there is more quantity in use, but in winter such substituteswill be often frozen, so they may not be used in winter. Be sure to change antifreezeglass cleaning fluid. You can also add alcohol or spirit to clean water toreduce the freezing point.
When winter comes, the weather becomes very cold.Wiping and cleaning vehicles will become less, so it is a very good idea toapply wax to take care of vehicle paint. In addition, the waxed car body will not have waterso easily, so it is not so easy to have dew or ice on cars in winter.