You are here:Home > SERVICES CENTRE > COMMON QUESTIONWhich changes will take place in quality in the use of lubricating grease? How should judgment be made?
Published:2014-11-26 16:35:08Sources:This siteViews:4328
As lubricating greaseis affected by external environments in working parts (such as air, water, powder,dust or other hazardous gases), and affected by mechanical forces (such aspunch and shear, etc) due to relative movement of working parts, there will bechanges in two aspects:
1. Chemical changes:lubricating grease components (base oil, and gelatinizer) are affected bylight, heat and air, which may become oxidized and deteriorated. Base oil afteroxidized will generate micro organic acid, aldehyde, ketone, lactone and othercomponents. The fatty acid in gelatinizer and organic metal salt may generatedecomposition forming micro scale organic acid, etc. Therefore, it willgenerate acid substances (with greater acidity of lubricating grease) causingcorrosion to lubricated parts until they have rust and lose the role aslubrication and protection.
2. Physical changes: Dueto mechanical effects, the structure of lubricating grease becomes poorer oreven destroyed. The denseness of lubricating grease will drop, lubricationeffect will become worse, or as the sealing conditions for mechanical lubricationparts become worse, lubricating grease will be mixed with dust and soil,impurities and water making poorer lubricating grease quality.
1. Chemical changes:lubricating grease components (base oil, and gelatinizer) are affected bylight, heat and air, which may become oxidized and deteriorated. Base oil afteroxidized will generate micro organic acid, aldehyde, ketone, lactone and othercomponents. The fatty acid in gelatinizer and organic metal salt may generatedecomposition forming micro scale organic acid, etc. Therefore, it willgenerate acid substances (with greater acidity of lubricating grease) causingcorrosion to lubricated parts until they have rust and lose the role aslubrication and protection.
2. Physical changes: Dueto mechanical effects, the structure of lubricating grease becomes poorer oreven destroyed. The denseness of lubricating grease will drop, lubricationeffect will become worse, or as the sealing conditions for mechanical lubricationparts become worse, lubricating grease will be mixed with dust and soil,impurities and water making poorer lubricating grease quality.
Waysfor judgment: lubricating grease appearing to have dust or mechanical impuritiesby naked eyes or feel, or emulsification of lubricating grease due to mixing ofwater thus becoming whitish or light or denseness becomes apparently smaller,or having obvious odor of grease acidity or deterioration suggest thedeterioration of lubricating grease.