Metalworking fluid

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NS 23 liquid metal processing

Pacosol NS 23 metalworking fluid is a completelynew technology. It is like no other metalworkingfluid on the market today. Pacosol NS 23metalworking fluid is manufactured using aproprietary process that gives the product manyunique characteristics that will promote very highproductivity and minimal downtime for the enduser. Pacosol NS 23metalworking fluid is formulated using a unique preformed emulsion ofvery small particle size. This small particle sizeprovides a very durable and uniform lubricant film,will not affect machine paint, enhanced cooling,a very clean running fluid, and exceptional hardwater stability.
1.Formulated for your most demandingmetalworking applications. From deep gunholedrilling to high micro finishes on your toughestaluminum, stainless or exotic alloys.2.Will not stain aluminum. From simple 301 cast. Alto the most sensitive 6000 and 7000 aerospacealloys.3. Aerospace approvals.4.Suitable for various cutting of steel, cast, alloysteel and, including aluminum alloy machining.
●Synthetic base oil provides the ultimate in EP freeperformance.
●Will not produce “Monday Morning Odors.” Thebiostable chemistry maintains the pH eliminatingobjectionable odors
●Excellent corrosion protection for all tooling,equipment, and parts.
●Exceptional lubricant film for good tool life.
●Extremely small particle size for superior wetting.
●Excellent hard water stability.
●High degree of cleanliness,low base oils reducesmist, providing a clean healthy wordingenvironment.
●and no reportable VOC’s for operator acceptance.

Recommended Starting Dilutions


Carbon Steels, Cast Iron


High Alloy Steels

Aluminum Alloys

Milling, Drilling, Turning

4 - 5%

4 - 5%

4 - 5 %

Reaming, Light Duty Broaching, Form Milling, Tapping, Sawing

4 - 6%

5 - 6%

5 - 8%

Grinding: I.D., O.D.

4 - 5%

4 - 5%

5- 6%

Typical Data

Product Name

Pacosol NS 23

Appearance, concentrate

Blue Translucent Fluid

Appearance, 5% dilution


Density @ 20℃


pH Value,3%
