How to select hydraulic fluids as specially required

Published:2014-12-03 18:05:09Sources:This siteViews:4072

With regard to the selection of varieties of hydraulicfluid, in addition to the consideration taken to working pressure, temperature andoperation environments, there are some more detailed factors:
Subject to working pressure and temperature: when pressureis  <7.0Mpa, and  temperature is <50, HL is used; when pressure is 7.014.0Mpa, and temperatureis 5070, HL or HM is; and when pressure is >14.0Mpa, and temperature is >70, HM is used.
Subject to types of pumps: For vane pumps, it isrecommended to use HM high zinc con tent (Zn in oil is
0.05%) ; for plungerpumps, ash free anti-wear hydraulic fluid is used, and for general pressure, HLmodel hydraulic fluid can be used; moreover, there is presence of using HM lowzinc for plunger pumps and vane pumps (with Zn in oil 0.03%); and for gearpumps or screw pumps, HL or HM is used.
Subject to special parts
Special silver resistant hydraulic fluid is selectedfor the parts containing silver plated parts in the hydraulic system; althoughnumeric control machines work indoors, it is required to use the hydraulicfluid with high viscosity index for HR; in some hydraulic systems where thereare high precision servo valves, it is required to select clean hydraulicfluid; and there must be better mucosity of oils for the cutter feed system formachines, and it is required to use HG hydraulic  guiderail oil.
 Hydraulic transmission system
PTF-1 is also called automatic transmission fluid(ATF) used for the automatic transmission system for cars and light-load trucks;PTF-2 is used for the transmission system for heavy load trucks and sports utilityvehicles; PTF-3 is also called both hydraulic and transmission or  hydraulic, transmission and braking oils usedfor the hydraulic transmission system for agricultural and architectural openair machines.