IV. Cautions in driving in winter

Published:2014-12-03 17:55:23Sources:This siteViews:3995

      The primary worry in driving in rainy seasons is abouthydrops met by cars at unfamiliar road sections. Here, we provide car owners with several smallskills in coming across hydrops
      Primarily, it is required to mind the depth of hydropsand braking so as not to make engines out and loss of control of brakes. When there is a heavy rain and there are hydrops onroads, be sure to note the depth of water accumulation. If the water depth isbeyond the height of exhaust pipes, it is very easy to make the engines out, soit is necessary to try to drive onto the routes with shallower water. If youhave to drive through roads with deep deposited water, and the water depth isbeyond the height of a half tire, drivers must take care in driving acrosswater; after driving over water, do mind foot brakes and hand brakes, forbraking efficiency may become weaker after immersion into water. If it becomesclear that the water depth is beyond the entire tire, then it is advisable notto drive across the water. Otherwise, vehicle engines will shut down. Now youmust take a devious route or wait until the depth of deposited water becomeslower
      Secondly, it is required to understand road conditionsat the water accumulation roads. Depositedwater at roads in rainy weather is very turbid, but if it is not a fast flowingwater surface, you can judge the approximate conditions of water bottoms byyour observation. Generally, at places where there are waves or whirlpools,there may be bigger stones or other obstacles, and at places where water israther quiet, there is deep water generally. At places where there is vast andeven waves, it is shallow water with crushed stones, and they are ideal placeswhere you can drive across. In addition, you must note that during or after astorm, curbs and road bases are immersed and washed away by rain water, theymay become loose or even collapsed. Now, be sure to drive and pass throughwater cautiously to avoid vehicle turnover or fall accidents.te or wait until the depth of deposited water becomeslower.
      into water, it is required to protect automobile electric devices and air inlets. Beforean automobile wades into water, it is favorable to check all electric devicesin the engine cabs. The exposed electric devices and connecting line joints arepreferably sealed and wrapped. When necessary, it is necessary to change andadjust the positions and heights of air inlets and outlets of engines. In themoment when automobile wade into water, it is required to keep firm and steadyas much as possible. Any dash will stir up sprays, which may easily wetelectric devices in automobiles or allow water enter the air inlet system ofengines
      Therefore, whendriving through a road section with water, you must lower the gear todecelerate the driving speed so that the rpm of engine may be maintained at 4000rpm or so to give full play to the torque force of engine used to set offresistance and to maintain steady and firm driving speed. Meanwhile, it isrequired to control throttles. Do not step on throttles too heavily. Otherwise,there will be greater resistance and tires will become easily slippery.Moreover, the abrupt increase in air inlet out of the engine will absorb waterdrops