Selection of metal working fluid

Published:2014-11-26 16:16:11Sources:This siteViews:3934

Generally, we use themost suitable working fluid other than the selection of the best working fluid,but the selected metal working fluid must meet the requirements for cuttingperformance and operating performance, namely, there must be good lubricating,cooling, antirust and rinsing performance. It the processing course, it canmeet process requirements in the processing course to reduce consumption ofcutters, to reduce the roughness of processing surfaces, to reduce theconsumption of power, and to improve productivity. Moreover, it is required totake security into consideration. Then, how can we select suitable metal workingfluid? We hereby make selection from the following four aspects:
Selection accordingto machine requirements: Forsome machines, the use of cutting oil is specified in the operationinstructions, and then it is required to select oil base cutting oil; for themachines that cutting fluid may be penetrated into the hydraulic system, generally,cutting oil is mainly used.|
Selection accordingto cutter materials: Cuttersare generally made of tool steel, high-speed steel, hard alloy steel, etc.Selection of proper metal working fluid will be paramount to the protection ofcutters
Selection accordingto workpiece materials: Inthe time of processing general materials, rough processing to reduce cuttingforce and wear of cutters, it is advisable to use water-based cutting fluid; fineprocessing mainly focuses on the improvement of surface gloss of workpieces (suchas cutting oil); for low-speed cutting, it is required to use the cutting fluidwith good lubrication (such as cutting oil, high concentration water-basedcutting fluid).
Selection according to processing methods: mechanical  tooling process generally includes: sawing, turning, milling, drilling,broaching, grinding, tapping, etc. It is required to make the best choiceaccording to the lubricating oil’s lubrication, extreme pressure   and cooling performance in different toolingprocesses.